I’m going to go on a little rant here, so just bear with me.
Recently, this whole “boycott Arizona” has been shoved in my face again, via Sound Strike.
Can I just say how much bullshit this is? How much rage this causes me? Boycotting Arizona isn’t going to change our politics. Yeah, businesses and tax funded anything are going to pitch a fit, but ultimately, it isn’t going to do any good. It isn’t going to effect the Governor, or the representatives, or anyone that REALLY matters in the world of politics.
It’s going to effect the schools, the road crews, the people who work in hotels, the police, the little shops in Sedona and Flagstaff that rely on tourism for most of their business.
All boycotting us is going to is raise my tuition and make it harder for Chandler High School to buy new, UPDATED textbooks for it’s classrooms. It’s going to make it tougher for the family that relies on Daddy’s police/road crew/EMT/fireman’s salary.
Because before they cut their own pay, before they even BEGIN to think of changing the law, they’re going to trim the budget and cut funding to things that we actually need. Already, my tuition has raised by (I think) around 10%. Already they cut a $1000 scholarship to only $200. That isn’t even enough to buy some textbooks.
I read somewhere that Arizona has lost roughly $10,000,000 in taxes because people decided that their sense of justice is more important then the economic well-being of 6.5 million people.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with SB1070. I think there are better ways to go about solving the illegal immigration problem. But don’t you think that boycotting the state is a little counter intuitive? One of the biggest arguments people make against illegal immigrants is that they take tax payer money away from legal citizens in the forms of welfare, education funding, police funding, etc. So, in effect, by decreasing the amount of tax money coming in, these immigrants that you are so concerned about are being slighted. Because those systems are the ones that are going to lose funding first.
So before decided to “boycott” a state and fuck over it’s economy, take a step back and actually think about what you’re doing instead of just jumping on the bandwagon.
A Slightly More Caustic Addition Regarding Sound Strike:
Dear Mr. de la Rocha,
Do you actually have any idea what you're talking about? Having read the "Letter to Artists", I'd like to point out that the vast majority of it is rather bias. There is no large scale "mean spirited and fanatical persecution of immigrants". Yes, Sheriff Joe is a dick and should be castrated with a rusty scalpel, but him and his cronies are really the only ones up to any shenanigans. At least the only ones that can do anything about anything. Yeah, being Sheriff makes you powerful, but charges do have to stand up in court. The people he has deported or sent to Tent City actually deserved what they got. They did something illegal. They are criminals, and I, for one, do not want criminals walking the streets of my state. It's hard enough to hold on to a bike (or car, money, life, whatever) around here without that.
And those videos you posted on the side of the article? They seem to have nothing to do with SB1070. They are about Tent City, and people being deported, and you know...things that would occur racist law or no. All the really prove is that Arpaio and his crew are bastards. Yes, being deported sucks and all, but here's the thing. They shouldn't be here anyway. I'm not saying that I'm against immigration, because I'm not. I'm here because my great-grandmother decided it was better than Germany. But you know what? She did it legally. Yeah, the legal road is hard and paved with red tape but hey, at least you can't be deported. SB1070, ultimately, is about illegal immigrants. If you did it the way you're supposed to, no harm. If you didn't well...you'd be deported anyway, even before the law.
So really, Zach, your protest is rather pointless. All you've done is disappointed countless fans and please the people that don't want you here to begin with. Also, thanks for raising my tuition. I really appreciate that. That $10 mill you're so proud of taking from us would have been really helpful. I mean really, how can you be proud of destroying the economy of what would have been considered a small country 200 years ago? We did the same thing to Germany after WWI and I'm sure you remember what happened then. Not saying we'll go all Nazi on your ass, but you know...the analogy stands.
Yes, there will always be racist, horrible people. Yes, some of these people will make it into the government, because there will always be other people that will agree with them. However, that is no reason to go around being a passive-aggressive little bitch. If you're going to protest, fucking protest
(On a side note, if I am factually wrong about any of this, please (politely) let me know. If you simply disagree with my opinion, don’t bother. I couldn’t care less about that.)
while i dont really know how this drama arose...well put tho, well put.